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Legends #2


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As Darkseid's plan continues, Billy has already vowed not to use his powers as a result of last issue's events. Darkseid then uses his lackey, Glorious Godfrey (disguised as political activist G. Gordon Godfrey), to launch a crusade vs. the heroes, using Macro-Man's "death' as the catalyst. President Reagan, influenced by Godfrey, creates an executive order banning heroes from action.

Characters: Captain Marvel [Billy Batson]; Justice League of America [Vibe; Elongated Man; Martian Manhunter; Vixen; Gypsy [Cindy Reynolds]; Steel [Hank Heywood III]]; Firestorm [Ronnie Raymond; Professor Stein]; Batman; Robin [Jason Todd]; Phantom Stranger; Blue Beetle [Ted Kord]; Green Lantern [Guy Gardner]; Flash [Wally West]; Changeling [Gar Logan]; Cosmic Boy [Rokk Krinn]; Superman; New Gods [Apokolips [Darkseid; Desaad; Glorious Godfrey [as G. Gordon Godfrey]; Dr. Bedlam; Granny Goodness]]; Brimstone; Macro-Man; Deadshot [Floyd Lawton]; Gwyneth Tate; Colonel Rick Flag Jr.; Commissioner Gordon; President Ronald Reagan; Lisa Sutton

Script: John Ostrander; Len Wein
Pencils: John Byrne
Inks: Karl Kesel
Colors: Tom Ziuko
Letters: Steve Haynie