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Knights of Pendragon #2


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Union Jack and Iron Man battle MyS-Tech's soldiers at the Quest World theme park. Black Knight is drawn to Darkmoor, where he finds two rogue robots (an active Gawain and an inactive Guinevere) along with MyS-Tech agent Breeze James. Elsewhere, Iain is plotting his revenge against the company which exposed him and his wife to deadly radiation. In the Avalon dimension, Adam, Peter and Grace discover mystic armor.

Characters: Knights of the Pendragon [Albion [Peter Hunter]; Adam Crown; Union Jack [Joseph Chapman]; Grace [Francesca Lexley Grace]]; Iron Man [Tony Stark]; James Rhodes; Black Knight [Dane Whitman]; Valinor; Iain Guthrie; Marie Guthrie; Breeze James; Gawain robot; MyS-Tech [Sternwood; Tanuta; Harvester]

Script: Dan Abnett; John Tomlinson
Pencils: Phil Gascoine
Inks: Adolfo Buylla
Colors: Elian Peters
Letters: Russ Crosby