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Excalibur (2004 - 3rd Series) #7


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As Xavier and the Genoshan mutants try to fight off the nannites that have robbed them of their powers, Dark Beast begins to take control of the island. Xavier and Callisto have a showdown with the false McCoy and his pirate allies but this is merely a distraction so Wicked's ghosts can free Karima. With all of the weapons of an Omega Sentinel at her disposal, she quickly arrests the Dark Beast. With their victory complete, Xavier declares the foundation of a new Republic of Genosha and asks Magneto if he wants to be in charge.

Characters: Professor X [Charles Xavier]; Magneto; Wicked; Freakshow; Callisto; Karima Shapandar [Omega Sentinel]; Purge; Shola Inkose; Stripmine; Appraiser; Trolls; Dark Beast; Mr. Sinister

Script: Chris Claremont
Pencils: Aaron Lopresti
Inks: Greg Adams
Colors: Transparency Digital
Letters: Tom Orzechowski