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Excalibur (2004 - 3rd Series) #12


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Callisto, Karima and Shola help Archangel and Husk battle Viper and her Weaponeers who are invading Zanzibar. The fight seems to be going their way until Scimitar joins the fray and captures a high ranking general's daughter to use as leverage. Magneto continues to keep the Genoshan mutants out of his home as Xavier works on the Scarlet Witch.

Characters: Magneto; Karima Shapandar [Omega Sentinel]; Dark Beast; Callisto; Shola Inkose; Wicked; Archangel; Husk; Askari the Spear; Viper; Weaponeers; Scimitar; Broadband; Book

Script: Chris Claremont
Pencils: Cliff Richards
Inks: Will Conrad
Colors: Transparency Digital
Letters: Virtual Calligraphy