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Captain America #268


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Cap gets a psychic distress signal from a woman he rescued from Morgan Hardy and enters the complex of August Masters who plans on using the powers of the world's foremost psychics to start World War III. Finding the Defenders already captured, Cap helps in their rescue and stays behind to cover their escape. Rather than watch everyone in the complex die from Masters' self destruct mechanism, Cap and the Defenders allow themselves to be taken prisoner once again.

Characters: Captain America [Steve Rogers]; Bernie Rosenthal; Josh Cooper; Dum Dum Dugan; Runciter; The Defenders [Hellcat; Valkyrie; Gargoyle; Kyle Richmond [Nighthawk]]; August Masters; Mindy Williams; Ursula Richards; Phillip Le Guin; Iron Man [Tony Stark]; Giant-Man [Hank Pym]; Bucky Barnes; Falcon; Morgan MacNeil Hardy; Nazis

Script: J. M. DeMatteis
Pencils: Mike Zeck
Inks: John Beatty
Colors: Bob Sharen
Letters: Jim Novak