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Avengers Infinity #2


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The Avengers Infinity team fights to escape from the Rigellian outpost world after having just arrived on it minutes earlier! The awesome regenerating Servitors are attacking everywhere! And Earth's Mightiest Heroes (in outer space) must dodge and dart through them to reach Moondragon's spaceship! Thankfully, all six avengers make it to safety. So now the Titan priestess can begin repairing the Jack of Hearts' body armor. And while doing so, Moondragon learns who or what the Avengers are up against: the Infinites! Oh my, that name sounds ominous! As the Infinity team will discover next issue.

Characters: Avengers Team Infinity [Thor; Quasar [Wendell Vaughn]; Photon [Monica Rambeau]; Moondragon; Tigra; Starfox]; Jack of Hearts; The Servitors

Script: Roger Stern
Pencils: Sean Chen
Inks: Scott Hanna
Colors: Steve Oliff
Letters: Richard Starkings; Comicraft; Albert Deschesne