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Uncanny X-Men (1963 - 1st Series) #486


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As the fight continues, Corsair attacks Vulcan only to be slain by his son. Alex, Lorna, Rachel and Korvus continue to fight him while Warpath keeps Hepzibah from attacking suicidally and Darwin rescues the Professor, with a bit of help from Kurt. Fearing they will all die, Lilandra forces the X-Men's ship to jump to Earth with Kurt, Warpath, Darwin, Professor X and a furious Hepzibah aboard. Deathbird convinces Vulcan to escape to live to fight another day, and the stranded X-Men and Korvus join the remaining Starjammers to continue to pursue Vulcan to bring him to justice.

Characters: X-Men [Professor X [Charles Xavier]; Darwin [Armando Muñoz]; Nightcrawler [Kurt Wagner]; Warpath [James Proudstar]]; Starjammers [Corsair [Christopher Summers]; Hepzibah; Raza Longknife; Ch'od; Havok [Alex Summers]; Polaris [Lorna Dane]; Marvel Girl [Rachel Grey]; Korvus]; Lilandra Neramani; Major-General Ka'ardum; Vulcan [Gabriel Summers]; Deathbird [Cal'syee Neramani]; Shi'ar Imperial Guard [Gladiator; Earthquake; Manta; Nightside; Warstar]

Script: Ed Brubaker
Pencils: Billy Tan
Inks: Danny Miki
Colors: Frank D'Armata
Letters: Chris Eliopoulos