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Superboy (2011) #8


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Well, that rescue mission didn't go exactly as planned...and things have only gotten worse for Superboy, as N.O.W.H.E.R.E.'s plans for him and the Teen Titans take a deadly turn! If he wants to keep his head, he's gonna have to take down another dangerous young metahuman for them: the bruiser once known as Grunge!

Characters: Superboy [Kon-El]; N.O.W.H.E.R.E. [Director Centerhall; Ravager [Rose Wilson]]; Grunge; Jocelyn Lure; Red [Dr. Caitlin Fairchild]; Teen Titans [Bunker [Miguel Jose Barragan]; Kid Flash [Bart Allen]; Red Robin [Tim Drake]; Skitter [Celine]; Solstice [Kiran Singh]; Wonder Girl [Cassie Sandsmark]]; Beast Boy; Harvest; Omen; Terra

Script: Scott Lobdell; Tom DeFalco
Pencils: R. B. Silva; Iban Coello
Inks: Rob Lean; Iban Coello
Colors: Richard Horie; Tanya Horie
Letters: Dave Sharpe