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Spider-Man: Get Kraven #2


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Kraven wants to make a movie. And what Kraven wants, Kraven gets! Having arrived in Tinseltown, Al Kravinoff must first get the lay of the land, sniff out the competition, and go apartment-shopping -- which is easier said than done in this town! Featuring cameos galore -- including a special guest appearance by everyone's favorite King of the Sea (Namor!) and a special guest star who's sure to make girls' hearts swoon. Two clues: Joanie loves him, and he's always in charge!

Characters: Al Kraven [Aloysha Kravinoff]; Nickel; Timby [Timber Hughs]; Sub-Mariner [Namor]; Kate Shaw; Ned Tannengarden; Ben Charles; Anna; Johnny Vanhoker; Scott Baio; Jeanette; Chameleon [Dmitri Kravinoff; also as Kraven the Hunter]; Tomaric

Script: Ron Zimmerman
Pencils: John McCrea
Inks: James Hodgkins
Colors: Lee Loughridge
Letters: Richard Starkings; Comicraft; Jimmy Betancourt