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Secret Origins (1986 - 2nd Series) #22


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The history of the Manhunters the origins of the various human Manhunters throughout DC history.

Characters: Manhunters; Rocket Red; Krona; Guardians of the Universe; Grandmaster; Christopher Columbus; General Cornwallis; George Washington; Napoleon Bonapart; Benito Mousellini; Adolph Hitler; Emperor Tojo; Green Lantern [Alan Scott]; Manhunter [Dan Richards]; Thor the Thunder Dog; Johnny Consentino; Manhunter [Paul Kirk]; Gloria; Police Inspector Donavan; The Buzzard [Hugo Van Beck]; Harlequin [Molly Maynne]; Green Lantern [Hal Jordan]; Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Manhunter [Mark Shaw]; The Chopper; Bradford Shaw; Green Arrow [Oliver Queen]; Black Canary [Dinah Lance]; Superman; The Highmaster; Flash [Barry Allen]; Red Tornado; Hawkgirl; Aquaman; Hawkman; Elongated Man; Harbinger; Commissioner Gordon; Dr. Jace; Mr. Smith; Robert West; Chief Ferguson; Ms. Hunter; Lana Lang; Rocket Red #7; Dirk Davis; Overthrow; Mary Frances Cassidy; Pan; Laurel Kent; Dr. Harry Hadley; Captain Atom; Harlequin [Marcie Cooper]

Script: Roy Thomas; Dann Thomas
Pencils: Howard Simpson
Inks: Bob Downs; Howard Simpson; Damon Willis
Colors: Shelley Eiber
Letters: Jean Simek