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ROM (1979 - 1st Series) #66


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Release Date:
Science Fiction, Superhero
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Rom banishes the few remaining Dire Wraiths left on Earth to Limbo. With his work done and the Wraith threat ended for all time, Rom leaves his friends behind and heads off for his home planet of Galador.

Characters: Avengers West Coast [Hawkeye [Clint Barton]; Iron Man [Tony Stark]; Mockingbird [Bobbi Morse]; Tigra [Greer Nelson]; Wonder Man [Simon Williams]]; The Avengers [Captain America [Steve Rogers]; Captain Marvel [Monica Rambeau]; Scarlet Witch [Wanda Maximoff]; Starfox [Eros]; Vision]; Defenders [Angel [Warren Worthington III]; Beast [Hank McCoy]; Gargoyle; Iceman [Bobby Drake]; Moondragon [Heather Douglas]; Valkyrie [Brunnhilde]]; X-Men [Colossus [Piotr Rasputin]; Nightcrawler [Kurt Wagner]; Rogue [Anna Marie]; Wolverine [Logan]]; Cindy Adams; Brandy Clark; Forge; Galactus [Galan]; Henry Gyrich; Hybrid; Rick Jones; Merriwether Locklin; Rom; Dire Wraiths

Script: Bill Mantlo
Pencils: Steve Ditko
Inks: Steve Leialoha
Colors: Petra Goldberg
Letters: Janice Chiang