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Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #5


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This issue covers Gardener to the Hulkbusters.

Characters: Gardener; Gargoyle; Gee; Geirrodur; Ghaur; Ghost Rider; Gladiator; Glamor; Glorian; Goliath; Gorgon; Grandmaster; Grapplers; Graviton; Gremlin; Grey Gargoyle; Guardians of the Galaxy; Guardsman; Gypsy Moth; Peter Henry Gyrich; Justin Hammer; Havok; Hawkeye; Hela; Heliopolis [Osiris; Isis; Horus; Seth; Geb; Nut]; Hellfire Club; Hellions [Roulette [Jennifer Stavros]; Jetstream [Haroun Ibn Sallah al-Rashid]; Tarot [Marie-Ange Colbert]; Thunderbird II [James Proudstar]; Empath [Manuel Alfonso Rodrigo de la Rocha]; Catseye [Sharon Smith]]; Daimon Hellstrom; Patsy Walker Hellstrom [Hellcat]; Her; Hercules; High Evolutionary; Hobgoblin; Howard the Duck; Hulk; Hulkbusters [Robert Bruce Banner; Craig Saunders Jr.; Carolyn Parmenter; Samuel J. LaRoquette; Armand Martel; Hideko Takata]