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Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #20


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The last issue of the Official Handbook dealing with deceased characters.  The information in this issue was correct at the time of publication, but many entries have since been retconned.

Characters: Stick; Franklin Storm; Swordsman; Major Glenn Talbot; Tarantula; Terrax; Thanos; Tom Thumb; Thunderbird I; Thunderbolt; Titania I; Toro; Torpedo; Two-Gun Kid; Union Jack I-II; Vamp; Vampires [Vlad Dracula; Lilith; Hannibal King; Baron Blood; Rachel Van Helsing; Varnae; Nimrod; Turac; Lianda; Lucy Westernra; Edith Harker; Deacon Frost; Blade Doppelganger; Adri Nital; Lucas Brand; Torgo; Harold H. Harold]; Cornelius Van Lunt; Viper I; Adam Warlock; Aelfyre Whitemane; Whizzer; Wraith; Zodiac I; Zombie; Zuras