On a mission to save a sinking cargo ship, Phantom Girl is injured and rescued by Reflecto. Later, the Earth is menaced by giant chains in space that are constricting the atmosphere, the work of Grimbor the Chainsman, and the Legion splits into teams to stop him.
Characters: Legion of Super Heroes [Phantom Girl; Karate Kid; Light Lass; Timber Wolf; Cosmic Boy; Brainiac 5; Saturn Girl; Lightning Lad; Bouncing Boy; Duo Damsel; Wildfire; Blok; Mon-El; Star Boy; Princess Projectra; Shadow Lass; Element Lad; Colossal Boy; Ultra Boy]; Reflecto; Grimbor the Chainsman; Captain Baktra; Marte Ida Allon; Charma
Script: Gerry Conway; Roy Thomas
Pencils: Jim Janes; Frank Chiaramonte
Inks: Frank Chiaramonte
Colors: Gene D'Angelo
Letters: Ben Oda