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Legion of Super-Heroes (1980 - 2nd Series) #303


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Release Date:
Science Fiction; Superhero
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Brainiac 5's team defeats the Emerald Empress and Ontiir on Weber's World and he later tells Supergirl that she is distracting him from his work. Dream Girl leads a team working on rebuilding Daxam.

Characters: Legion of Super-Heroes [Sun Boy; Colossal Boy; Shrinking Violet; Brainiac 5; Saturn Girl; Lightning Lad; Timber Wolf; Blok; Dawnstar; Phantom Girl; Shadow Lass; Invisible Kid [Jacques Foccart]; Dream Girl; Star Boy; Mon-El; Ultra Boy; Karate Kid; Queen Projectra]; Emerald Empress; Ontiir; Supergirl; Bouncing Boy; Duo Damsel; Chief Kimball Zendak; Gigi Cusimano

Script: Paul Levitz; Keith Giffen
Pencils: Keith Giffen
Inks: Larry Mahlstedt
Colors: Carl Gafford
Letters: John Costanza