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Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge #1


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Captain Cold and the Rogues were accessories to the murder of Bart Allen. They've become what they never set out to be - wanted! Wanted by the good guys, by former Rogue Pied Piper, and by the Secret Society of Super-Villains. But just as they try to disappear underground, good, old-fashioned revenge yanks them back. And where is the Flash during all of this? It's a Crisis - take a guess.

Characters: Pied Piper [Hartley Rathaway]; Iris Allen; Detective Jared Morillo; Detective Fred Chyre; Ashley Zolomon; Warden Gregory Wolfe; Linda Park-West; Jai West; Iris West; Flash [Bart Allen]; Captain Cold [Leonard Snart]; Heat Wave [Mick Rory]; Mirror Master [Evan McCulloch]; Weather Wizard [Mark Mardon]; Inertia [Thaddeus Thawne]; Trickster [Axel Walker]; Zoom [Hunter Zolomon]; Libra; Dr. Light [Arthur Light]; Cheetah [Barbara Minerva]; Human Flame [Mike Miller]; Giganta [Dr. Doris Zuel]

Script: Geoff Johns
Pencils: Scott Kolins
Inks: Scott Kolins
Colors: Dave McCaig
Letters: Nick J. Napolitano