Set during the legendary Season of Mists Sandman storyline, Death: At Death's Door reveals what Death and her sisters are up to when a tired Lucifer closed up hell, leaving its nastiest denizens free to vacate the premises. Unfortunately for Death, those suddenly homeless souls are drawn to her like moths to a flame, and they end up in her living room!
Little sisters Delirium and Despair decide to throw a party for the dead which quickly gets out of control. It's up to Dream's older sister Death to figure out how to save the day and the afterlife--not to mention the carpet. Will the power of the ankh prevail?
Written & illustrated by Eisner Award-winning artist Jill Thompson (The Sandman: Brief Lives, Scary Godmother) and printed in black-and-white with gray tones, this manga-style story is replete with family drama, strong interpersonal relationships, dramatic pacing, symbolism, and a cast of alluring characters with a flair for fashion.
Death: At Death's Door TPB
- Release Date:
- 2024-08
- Pages:
- 208
- Genre:
- Fantasy-Supernatural; Horror-Suspense; Manga