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Dark Crisis Special Edition (FCBD) #0


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With the Justice League no longer around, Clayface attempts to steal a Mother Box from the Hall of Justice, and is stopped by Wally West, one of the few surviving heroes. After stopping Clayface, Wally faces questions from young fans about the future of the League.

Characters: Aquaman; Ares; The Atom [Ray Palmer]; Batman [Bruce Wayne]; Batman [Jace Fox]; Beast Boy [Garfield Logan]; Black Adam; Black Canary [Dinah Lance]; Black Lightning [Jefferson Pierce]; Blue Beetle [Ted Kord]; Blue Beetle; Booster Gold; Captain Cold; Captain Marvel [Billy Batson]; Clayface [Basil Karlo]; Cyborg [Victor Stone]; Darkseid; Doctor Fate [Kent Nelson]; Doomsday; Elongated Man [Ralph Dibny]; Firestorm; The Flash [Barry Allen]; Green Arrow [Oliver Queen]; Green Lantern [Hal Jordan]; Green Lantern [Guy Gardner]; Green Lantern [Kyle Rayner]; Green Lantern [Jessica Cruz]; Green Lantern [John Stewart]; Green Lantern [Sojourner Mullein]; Hawkgirl [Kendra Saunders]; Hawkman [Carter Hall]; The Huntress [Helena Bertinelli]; Kid Flash [Wally West]; Dr. Light [Kimiyo Hoshi]; Lex Luthor; Martian Manhunter [J'onn J'onzz]; Mister Miracle [Scott Free]; Nightwing [Dick Grayson]; Oberon; Power Girl [Kara Zor-L]; Raven [Rachel Roth]; Red Tornado [John Smith]; Starfire [Koriand'r]; Superman [Clark Kent / Kal-El]; Superman [Jon Kent]; Donna Troy; Vixen [Mari McCabe]; Wonder Woman [Princess Diana]; Wonder Girl [Yara Flor]; Zatanna; Red Arrow [Roy Harper]; Black Adam; President Superman [Calvin Ellis] (Earth-23, flashback); Nekron; Upside-Down Man; Empty Hand; Aquaman [Jackson Hyde]; Starro

Script: Joshua Williamson
Pencils: Jim Cheung
Inks: Jim Cheung
Colors: Jay David Ramos
Letters: Tom Napolitano