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Civil War: The Return #1


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This issue tells the story of how Mar-vell is pulled (by accident) from the past, into our present time, where he is requested by Tony Stark to become the warden of the Negative Zone prison known as "42" until it's destruction in Civil War #7. This does not necessarily undo Mar-Vell's death as he will likely have to return to his own time to succumb to the cancer growing in his body.

Characters: Captain Marvel [Mar-Vell]; Sentry [Robert Reynolds]; Iron Man [Tony Stark]; Reed Richards; Nitro; Elysius; The Avengers (1980s team); Civil War Teams [Captain America; Hercules; Ms. Marvel; Iron Man; Yellowjacket; Luke Cage]

Script: Paul Jenkins
Pencils: Tom Raney
Inks: Scott Hanna
Colors: Gina Going
Letters: Dave Sharpe