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Avengers West Coast #72


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ron Man, Wasp and Tigra arrive in Japan trying to find Dr. Demonicus and the Pacific Overlords. Instead they end up battling a gang of Yakuza lead by Irezumi, a villain with super powered tattoos. With her companions fallen in battle, Tigra escapes in the quinjet to warn Wasp and her group that they are also walking into a trap. Dr. Demonicus changes the Living Lightning into an electrical form. Hawkeye and Spider-Woman return to the AWC base and are attacked by USAgent who has been sent by the government to kill Spider-Woman but finds he cannot carry the deed out.

Characters: Avengers West Coast [Hawkeye; Iron Man [Tony Stark]; Tigra; Wasp; Wonder Man; Scarlet Witch; Hank Pym]; Spider-Woman [Julia Carpenter]; USAgent; Living Lightning; Taifu; Dr. Demonicus; Kuroko; Jawbreaker; Irezumi; Yakuza; Cybertooth; Dum Dum Dugan

Script: Roy Thomas; Dann Thomas
Pencils: David Ross
Inks: Danny Bulanadi; Tim Dzon
Colors: Bob Sharen
Letters: Rick Parker