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Action Comics (1938 - 1st Series) #882


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Colonel Hazard finds himself and Squad K reporting to General Lane, and is forced to take Reactron along on a mission to find Kryptonians in Metropolis. Lois meets up with Chris and Lana in an replica Blue Beetle Bug at a Metropolis museum, and they compare notes. Meanwhile, Supergirl and Thara are also discussing things, when the Squad K vehicle passes by. Chris decides to be a decoy to lure them away from all the others. Supergirl and Thara join, allowing Lois and Lana to clear away. The forces including Reactron attack, forcing the trio to hide underground, with Reactron clearly not obeying orders by putting civilians in harm's way. The forces catch up to the trio. They decide to go for a new tactic, and surrender. Restrained by red sun manacles, they try to convince Colonel Hazard that they've been framed, and by Reactron. They say if they really did do the killings, why did they surrender? Colonel Hazard looks like he's being convinced, so Reactron decides to give a message, and blasts Hazard and his men, killing them all. And the trio is next.

Characters: Nightwing [Chris Kent]; Flamebird [Thara Ak-Var]; Supergirl [Kara Zor-El]; Colonel Percy Hazard; General Sam Lane; Reactron; Lieutenant Hollister; Lois Lane; Lana Lang

Script: Greg Rucka; Sterling Gates
Pencils: Pere Pérez
Inks: Pere Pérez
Colors: Javier Mena
Letters: Rob Leigh